Friday, January 15, 2010

December thoughts

I am doctoring now with the VA, might as well take advantage of my benefits. Despite what you may hear, they do a good job. I had a chance to spend the night there; I was really feeling bad and asked the wife to take me to their emergency room. She said okay, could I wait until “half-time”. The Colts were playing and she did not want to miss anything. We went anyway. Luckily (I am not sure for who) they had the game on in the waiting room. The VA decided to keep me overnight and needed to get me up to a room. (We waited for “half-time” for that part.) Anyway, it turned out to be just a bad bladder infection, taken care of with an IV bag full of drugs.

Will be semi-retiring come January. I will still work some. SS does not cough up enough to pay all the bills, besides I cannot just sit around. Then there is that “honey do” list to contend with. As I see it, my biggest problem is with my new boss (my wife). I must keep her busy so she will not be bothering me. I would like to do some traveling. She has told me many times to pack my bags. If I could afford it, I would show her the world. If she could afford it, she would show me the door. Isn’t love grand? Thirty-nine years of bliss(tex). Me kissing her behind so much I have permanent chapped lips. (I think that’s the way it has been, at least from my view on the front porch.) Oh well, she can stay, if she’ll have me. Besides, she is a pretty good cook and housekeeper, Lord knows I’m not. My Mother was always in a rush for me to get married. She wanted Grandkids. My Father on the other hand didn’t push so much. I’ve figured out now there were some things he didn’t feel the need to share. Just as he did not share every gory detail of WW II. Some things are just better if you find it out yourself. There isn’t an instruction manual for some of this stuff.

The road of life for us has not always been smooth. We have crossed a lot of bridges. Climbed many mountains and crossed through lots of valleys. We have dodged many potholes, and when need be, stopped and filled them in. we can’t see the end of the road yet, but know it is getting closer. I’ve had some reports that the pavement is smoother just over the next hill. We will wait and see. As long as I can still drive, and my wife can read the map, I’m sure we will get there together somehow.

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