Friday, March 9, 2012

Addendum to Previous "Stupid Teenager" post

The following is part of a Facebook conversation:
Martha J Geiger
Let's imagine for a second that you're a cashier. You have a line of people waiting to check out, and the person you are with now pays in cash. Let's say you owe him 10 cents, but you're out of dimes. What do you do?

Gretchen Geiger: give him nickles or pennies

Alan L Geiger: If you work at a place like "Speedway" no problem. The cash register figures it out for you. Just remember to fill the automatic coin dispenser, and if it is out of dimes it knows what to do. (It beeps: "Help, I'm out of dimes!)

Martha J Geiger: I know, and it's the cleverest thing in the world. I can pick up my change while the chashier hands me my reciept, and then I can be on my marry way. Its called "Speedway" for a reason, after all.
5 hours ago · Like
Gretchen Geiger so what hppens if ur completely out of dimes and cant fill the dispenser? does it beep all the time? lol

Alan L Geiger: Let me explain how the system works at the new Supra Speedway. They keep an inventory of between 2 and 10 rolls of dimes at any given time. (This is closely monitored by computers.) When the dime inventory drops to two rolls, the computer signal the home computer in Findlay Ohio, which in turn alerts the bank, which the alert the Brinks truck to come by and pick up dime and deliver them to the Supra Speedway. The manager is alerted via the new software installed in the new Ipad to the blue tooth capable headset the manager wears to the fact that the Brinks truck is on its way. The dimes are transferred to the safe and stored on a scale that registers the weight of the dimes. (Hint: the scale is the triggering device as to how many dime rolls are on hand.) This all hinges on the ability of the manager to discern the difference between a roll of dimes and other such rolled change. The rolls used to be color coded paper wrappers (green being the color for dimes). This failed because one time they had a manager who was color blindness, and also an inability to read the labels. Under the "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, coins are now rolled in clear, biodegradable, plastic wrappers. To further guard against mistakes (Under Rule of ISO 2002) the scale has been constructed so that only full rolls of dimes will fit. Thus quarters, nickels etc. will not fit (except on their respective special scale in the safe). Only mangers, and staff, who have went through a special six week training course, and have been certified, are allowed to remove the dime from the safe and load them into the fully automated change dispenser. Under new Federal and State Guideline, a fully Certified Money Changer must be on duty at all times. As of September 2011, new software and scanning devices are currently be evaluated to handle paper money in a similar fashion. The government is reviewing the devices for safety citing whether the hand held scanner may cause carpel tunnel, and whether the laser beam may cause eye damage if accidentally pointed in the wrong direction. One Senator on the review panel has suggested attendants could use the hand held scanners in this fashion to foil would be robbers. The ACLU has objected that this would be excess force and could result in the alleged robber being permanently disabled.

Gretchen Geiger: oh my lord! u gotta be kidding! lol

Gretchen Geiger to think when i worked at rallys we had to just count the change out. didnt even enter the amt in the register. probly go to jail for that now! lol

Alan L Geiger: Since the introduction of the Credit Card, followed by the Debit Card, the Gift Card, the re-loadable Debit Card people have been using actual cash money less and less. Thus ability to count money is becoming more and more unnecessary. The Government has a plan when implemented in 2045, to do away with cash as we know it today. Millions of dollars will be save in no longer needing to "print" money. Silver, copper, and nickel resources will be saved. The environment will be spared the destructive forces of man clawing at the earth to retrieve these precious metals. Tons of the earth's crust are forever blemished every day for just a few pounds of copper. The air is polluted by the emissions these monster machines spew into the atmosphere every hour of every day. Think of the impact this has had just in our life time.

Alan L Geiger: The tooth fairy of the future will be handing out wood coins. Wood because it is the only current renewable resource. Wood will become the new gold, soybean the new crude oil, and methane the new "natural" gas. Trees will be planted around wind farms to better channel the wind and spin the blade faster producing more electric power. The downside of this is this will in effect "propel" the earth causing it to spin ever so slightly faster and in time change our "24 hour day into a "22.87 hour day". Satellites will no longer be in a stationary orbit. Thus all our current communications networks will be in constant havoc. The signal from the scales in the safe will miss its intended satellite and an computer controlled milking machine on a dairy farm in Germany will be trying to pull a roll of dimes out of some poor cows tit at 3 am, all the while some poor cashier in Fort Wayne is panicking because the safe has 2 pints milk where the dimes are suppose to be.

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