Wednesday, December 17, 2014

LADIEEEES and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages…                                                    December 2014
Step right up and lend me your ear whilst I spin you a tale or two.

Today's word is Predictable (pre-dict-able…something you think you're able know of before it happens).  My wife thinks she has this ability, and to her, I am totally predictable. Today for instance she told me to take some hangers down stairs next time I went down, and to help me out she placed them at the top of the steps. I assured her that unlike our son, I would take them. Less than ten minutes later I went downstairs (without the hangers).  I "forgot." I'd like to say I did it on purpose, but I didn't. She was able to predict the future. Now if she could only be so sure with the lottery tickets.

Cindy thinks she's pretty good at forecasting the future. Like the time she just knew I was hard of hearing, and sent me to the doctor to get that checked…wrong. I even went as far as to have the audiologist write a note to take home to Cindy stating I was fine.  Cindy, not trusting I'll come back with the truth,  went with me to my last VA doctor for my last routine checkup. The doc told me I should get a mental health checkup, they like all vets to go at least once, just to be evaluated. After an elbow to the ribs, I said I would. Well I went and spent an hour getting my head shrunk, came home, and the first thing Cindy asked was, "Well what kinda pills did they give you?" She was really disappointed when I said "None." Apparently Cindy is a psychiatrist also, claiming I have anger issues and need Xanax. Also on my last visit, the doc decided that it might be a good idea to examine my head further and ordered an MRI. Seems no one has checked the spot where I had a pituitary tumor removed back in '88, for quite some time.  Cindy (and me too a little) thought maybe it was growing again. The results were negative, everything is just fine. That was a relief to hear. They sent me the full report, and in that there was the notation that I in fact had a "remarkable brain" for my age, though I'm not exactly sure what that means. Cindy told me that since I hardly ever use my brain, it's not wore out like everybody else's, but I told her that they meant I'm smarter than her. I think that's when the fight started, not quite sure, I  can't remember much after that. The doctor said my eye will heal up first, and I'll be able to eat solid food by next week.  Earlier this last spring I had back surgery. After a year and a half of pain it is now gone. No more go-carts in the Wal-Mart for me, although shopping that way is kind of fun. Cindy has a bad knee, and probably will need replacing one of these days, so she still uses the cart for shopping. For awhile is was kinda funny as we raced behind each other down the aisles.  By the way, whatever stories you may have heard about VA Hospitals, the one here in Fort Wayne has been doing just fine by me. Other than the normal maladies of getting older, I guess health wise Cindy and I are doing okay.

In other news:  We took our usual vacation trip up in to Michigan. We loaded up the van with all 5 grandkids plus Brian and headed to Ludington. The Lake Michigan was a little chillier than usual, so not much swimming action (good thing there was a pool at the hotel). Instead the kids, especially Chase, learned to build drizzle castles. It’s a different way of making sand castles. I think Chase, and the guy showing him how, spent about 3 hours building this elaborate castle. I'd love to show you pictures, but the SD card in the camera failed and so no pics. Cindy spends a lot of time crocheting those hanging kitchen towels she sells. Her little business has been pretty steady all year long. I, being a good husband, have offered to help but I always get the same answer he** no. I guess I lack the ability to put colors together, and I sure don't know how to crochet.

Some of you may not know this, but this summer I officiated my first (and probably last) wedding. Gretchen married her boyfriend Jim this past July in a back yard ceremony. Question to me was did I write down what I was suppose to say? "No", I said, I think I've been to enough weddings during my life to remember what the vows are. It was a nice wedding complete with flowers and music. Gretchen couldn't hear the music  but she marched in to the "Imperial March" theme from Star Wars. (Darth Vader's entrance music), no  Here comes the bride  this time.

Speaking of time, it has certainly flew by. Not just this year but always, as they say "time marches on." This next spring will 20 years we've lived in Fort Wayne (in the same house, and with the same woman). We waited so long last year for winter to be over, then summer was over in a flash and here it is winter again. Another year wasted. 

We're thankful for Facebook, (It isn't just for young people) We are able to stay in touch with so many of you, but do wish we could see you in person. We're also thankful, and blessed to have so many friends. Facebook has made it possible for me to speak with a friends I hadn't heard from since we were buddies in Nam. I'm thankful we could re-connect. It would probably never happened with out Facebook and the Internet.

You've received this letter because you are important to us, and have meaning in our lives. God has taken some of our friends this year and they will be missed. I urge you to reach out and in some fashion re-connect, and wish everyone you know a Merry Christmas.                         

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