Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It is the extra things, The List the wife comes home from work this morning (from her 3rd shift job) and starts ranting about my grandsons staying up late. Justin was still up (all night). I turned in about 1:00 am, (sorry boys, paw can't party all night). Of course this was all my fault. Oh well, I went on down to the Java Bean Cafe, to hang with the other retirees, and I think she was still goin on as I went out the door. I'm not sure though because once I shut that door behind me I couldn't hear anymore. Forty five minutes later I returned, and as my luck goes, she was still up. It would sure please me if when she got home, and being as tired as she repeatedly tells me she is, she'd just go straight on up to bed. No luck today. She had a short list. Go to the post office, go to the grocery, take out the trash, clean pool filter. Not too bad. I could probably handle more, but she believes that is probably my limit, without a written list. No since making a written list, I'd just lose it.
Now here is where I'm probably gonna get myself in trouble. I did more than was on the list. Five extra things that she didn't mention. I just wasn't thinkin. Well when I was outside working on the pool filter, with the hose, I noticed the tomato plants need water (that was one thing). Then while I was sitting on the front porch (take my morning break), I noticed the flowers needed "deadheading". Counting all the roses, we got a lot more flowers than I thought (there's the 2nd thing). Naturally while doing the flowers, I notice some weeds. I just pull them while I'm here (I don't know if that counts as an extra thing on not). Well that led me to the kitchen. I had to dispose of the dead flowers, but the trash was full. WAIT...oh yea, "take out the trash", that's on my verbal list. Well I tried to stuff just a little more in without success, and now I got a mess on the floor. So I'll take out the trash, get a new bag and clean up the mess. I'm looking around and since I now have the broom in my hand, I'll go ahead and sweep the kitchen floor. Well...that just wasn't working, there was something sticky. Sweeping just made the sticky spot show up more. This just isn't my day. Now I'm gonna have to get out the mop. Mom always said, "don't do half a job." Well there you go, I mopped the whole kitchen floor (thing number 3). Guess I better shake and clean those throw rugs I threw out the back door (whole job again). Can't put back down dirty rugs on a clean floor. We're a little civilized around here (#4 on the extra list). time. Well what do ya know, she got a towel order. I just go ahead and print that out for her (that brings the count to 5, even if it is a small thing, I count it as a separate task). Time now for another break, more coffee. Wouldn't you know it, I have to wash a cup. Thanks again Mom, may she be looking down on me now with great pride, I'm going to wash ALL the dishes, dry them, and put them away (that should count as 3 different chores, but well call it just 1 this time, extra thing #5)
All done, I think. Time to check facebook, check email, and blog about my day. After that it will be time for another break before taking my grandson to his baseball game. Hopefully I'll be gone, and back before she wakes up. Hopefully she'll notice what I've done but I can't leave that to chance. I better leave her a "List". May your hearts be filled joy, your troubles be few, but when the sh*t wagon comes down the hill, be sure its not coming at you. GOOD DAY :)

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